22 noiembrie 2005

David Beckham in Elle Romania

In numarul din noiembrie al revistei "Elle Romania", cover face-ul dedicat barbatilor implemeteaza si mai mult conceptul metrosexual in mentalul romanesc. Declarand "Voiam sa seman cu Tom Cruise", Beckham elogiaza un alt profil metrosexual, largind si mai mult aria de raspandire care spatiile hollywoodiene. In acelasi timp cu aparitia in peisagistica jurnalistica romaneasca, Beckham isi lanseaza in Europa Centrala si de Est parfumul intitulat "Instinct". Starul de la Real Madrid is va lansa acest produs si pe pietele din Australia si Asia incepand cu toamna lui 2005. Imaginea promovata pentru acest produs este una mai intunecata, mai salbatica decat imagistica folosita pana acum. "Instinct" a fost produs in colaborare cu Coty, intr-un mixt senzual de portocala, mandarina, bergamote italiene si ambra alba. Gama mai cuprinde aftershave, exfoliating gel, shampoo si deodorant.

Dieta de lux sau luxul dietei

Una dintre caracteristicile metrosexualitatii, definitorie pentru concept, este obsesia corporala. Obsesie manifestata prin excesul de zel in ceea ce priveste aspectul exterior - prin exercitiile fizice si ingrijirea meticuloasa a corpului, cat si interior - printr-o dieta indelung studiata cu ajutorul nutritionistilor.

Cu toate acestea, micile "rasfaturi" nu sunt pe deplin refuzate. Serile in discoteci sunt acompaniate de cocktailuri cu nume impresionante si bogate in calorii, in timp ce in restaurante sunt degustate retete exotice din bucatarii conotate intelectual.

De unde si o prima concluzie, nu departe de realitatile anterioare metrosexualitatii: orice calorie in plus este inlaturata cu ajutorul exercitiului fizic pentru ca micile placeri ale vietii sa nu fe ignorate si, prin urmare, pierdute.

21 noiembrie 2005

Cele patru elemente ale modei

Legatura pe care garderoba contemporana o are cu domeniile conexe umanului este indiscutabila. Regasirea elementelor primare si a simbolurilor generice se manifesta in cele mai variate segmente ale ei, transformandu-le de cele mai multe ori in leitmotive ale unei imaginii intelectualizate, voit mature.

Garderoba metrosexuala s-a conotat de la inceput ca apartinand unui teritoriu simbolic investit intelectual. Astfel incat, cele patru elemente ae naturii inconjuratoare se regasesc in variantele originale, usor de citit in cheie imagistica.

Aerul - se regaseste in texturi usoare, suprastructurari arhitectonice fragmentate, culorile folosite dand sens vantului sau aerului din jurul nostru.

Apa - se regaseste intr-o linie fluida, liniara, in culori de verde, albastru sau ab.

Pamintul este investit cu o arhitectura rigida, geometrizata, nuantata teluric intr-o gama variata de maro, gri sau oranj.

Focul se conoteaza in structuri fluide, in oranj, rosu si galben, denotand latura ludica a acestui element.

text in lucru

20 noiembrie 2005

Philosophy of met.roh.SEK.shoo.ul men

The Metro Male Lifestyle is sexy, stylish and comfortable. Metro men are fashion conscious and know how to put themselves together. They have a strong aesthetic sense and spend a considerable amount of time and money on their appearance and lifestyle. They are sensitive, romantic, successful and confident.

This Season’s Fashion Trend: Layering.
Visit any major fashion avenue in the world this season, and you'll notice a common trend – almost everyone is layering. Layering is a great way to combine your favorite pieces and wear something comfortable and flexible, while showcasing your sense of style in a casual setting.
Top 3 Rules To Remember When Layering:
Rule #1: Wear your thinner fabrics first.
Start with items that are made from thinner fabrics such as a cotton T-shirt, dress shirt or turtleneck, (a tank top/wife beater does not qualify) and then layer them with heavier items such as a wool sweater, a corduroy blazer, or a leather jacket.
Rule #2: Define the layer
A layer is a piece of clothing that can be worn on its own and still looks great. So, if you begin to un-layer you are still wearing a shirt that looks stylish without the additional layers.
Rule #3: Keep it casual and comfortable
Layering is best used for casual attire. If you are uncomfortable reaching, or moving about, your layering combination is most likely too thick. Rather than choosing something thick and bulky, you are better to wear two to three thin layers. Feel free to use color!
What happens when there are no more layers?
Well, your chest and abs are exposed!

Philosophy of met.roh.SEK.shoo.ul men
Today, more than ever, men are aware how health, fitness and proper grooming go hand in hand with confidence and a positive self image. As only the type of man that invests in taking care of himself knows, there is no power equal to knowing that he has achieved his personal best, inside and out. The days of washing your face with a drying bar of soap and shaving with thick foam and plastic disposable razor are over. Your investment in your personal appearance sends a powerful message about who you are. Your body and your skin demands respect. The way you present yourself, your relationships, how you are perceived by others and even career advancement are all impacted by how healthy, attractive, and vibrant you appear.
An ambitious, goal oriented man should not have to utilize valuable time in maintaining the look and overall health he wants and deserves. Elements that work against us - pollution, sun, wind, stress.

Elements that works for us – purification, balance and protection.
Combining both of those fights, the environmentl provide a healthy and vibrant look and feel and optimum male performance.
Because you are now ready to invest in a higher level of your personal best…you are ready for met.roh.SEK.shoo.ul… taking care of you from the inside out.

05 noiembrie 2005

Guess who is back?

Dupa o perioada de tacere in care s-au intamplat o gramada de lucruri, met.roh.SEK.shoo.ul se intoarce. Ramaneti pe receptie! Tot ce este mai bun de-abia acum urmeaza!

After a long periode of silence, full with great and diverse "stuff", met.roh. SEK.shoo.ul is coming back. Stay tuned! The best is yet to come!