Pentru vara aceasta AYOR se intoarce la fascinatia vestimentara pe care anii '50 au exercitat-o asupra vestimentatiei pentru tineret. Libertatea corpului, nestanjenita de bariera hainelor devine un imperativ al garderobei urbane pentru o vara plina de mister si pasionalitate. Culorile ies din barierele conservatoare ale unei garderobe de tip clasic, abordand tonalitatil de roz, verde crud sau bleu ciel, incadrand aceasta linie in "the wish list" al metrosexualului contemporan.
For this summer, AYOR return to the fascinated '50, years of freedom's expressions in the youth wardrobe. The freedom of body, without any restriction of the clothes is like an must-to-have for the urban clothes for an summer full of passion and mystery. The colors are verry fresh, like pink, light green or sky blue, in the contradiction with the classical color theme of an masculine wardrobe, beeing on of the elements of the metrosexual's "wish list".
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